Why Your Email Subscribers Don’t Buy From You?

Durgesh Pratap
4 min readSep 21, 2023


And how to get quality email subscribers who will actually take action.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

1. Raise your hand if you’ve ever downloaded a PDF as a digital download lead magnet or obtained a checklist. Many of you probably have.

2. Now, raise your hand if you’ve actually read or gone through that PDF. Did you set it aside to check back later because it was too lengthy?

3. Lastly, raise your hand if you found the download useful and felt that it delivered on its promises, solving one of your problems.

The number of hands raised likely decreases at each step, but why is this the case?

The issue often lies in the fact that the digital download lead magnet serves merely as a way to get you onto an email list, offering little to no actual value. This approach undermines trust.

There’s a misconception that once people are on your list, the quality of the digital download lead magnet no longer matters.

The idea is that you can start sending offers, and eventually, some people will make a purchase.

But this “some will buy” mentality leads us down a dark path, encouraging us to create mediocre digital downloads.

Here are the reasons why people often settle for average digital content:

  1. It’s Free: Since you’re giving away free material, you might not be motivated to ensure its quality.
  2. Upselling: You may be saving your best strategies for those willing to pay for an upgrade.

Focusing solely on list-building without offering genuine value is a flawed strategy. It’s time to rethink how we create and distribute digital downloads.

Free Seekers

There’s a large segment of the internet population that is always on the hunt for free offerings.

The challenge with targeting these free-seekers is that most of them are unlikely to make a purchase during a course or product launch.

They are primarily interested in your free digital downloads and often show little interest in your future newsletters.

If these individuals are on your email list, it’s not necessarily your fault.

You can gradually filter them out by upselling a low-cost digital download product.

Paid Digital Downloads

If you’re hesitant to share your top strategies for free, I recommend packaging some of your best tips into an ebook or cheat sheet.

Selling these at an affordable price, perhaps $5, will attract those who are willing to pay for valuable insights.

These customers can join what I like to call your “premium list” — a list comprised of people who are genuinely interested in paying for your solution

Ultimately, the choice of digital product — whether free or paid — as your lead magnet is up to you.

Start with free digital downloads packed with valuable content. Then, upsell with a modestly-priced digital product to sift out those who are willing to pay for quality solutions.

Maintain two separate lists: one for those seeking free content and another for paying customers.

Types of digital downloads Info products

  1. Ebook
  2. Checklist
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Cheatsheet
  5. Audiobook
  6. Planners
  7. Templates
  8. Swipe Files

The Checkbox

Sometimes people are interested in your lead magnet or solution but have no desire to receive your newsletters.

To address this, consider adding a confirmation checkbox below the sign-up form, asking if they’d like to hear more from you.

You might worry that some people won’t check the box and, as a result, won’t receive your emails. However, isn’t it beneficial to know their intentions from the outset?

If there’s no checkbox and they don’t open your emails, then they probably were never truly interested to begin with.

On the flip side, those who do check the box and express interest in receiving your emails are your true subscribers.

These are the people genuinely interested in your work and eager to hear more from you.

Your content should be so valuable to your audience that they actively ask, “Hey, can you send me updates via email? I don’t want to miss out.”

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I hope you like the article. I am Durgesh Pratap and I help small businesses, coaches and creators to grow their email list.

If you want to learn more about email marketing and grow your email list then check out my newsletter List Growth Lab



Durgesh Pratap

I am an entrepreneur running multiple online businesses. I write about | Business | Life | Philosophy | Books | Follow me here at medium to get my posts.